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In SkyFactionsReborn/defences, you can configure the island defences to your liking. In this guide, individual settings will be referred to as "keys" such as To create your own defences with different stats, you can create a new yaml file with one of these types, or you can just edit the existing config files.


Please read every comment in the configs when editing (this applies for all configs, not just defences!)
They contain crucial information that you must take note of when adjusting / adding configs.


  • name - The name of the defence in the Obelisk.
  • identifier - This is a unique identifier of the defence. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THIS!
  • type - The defence type.
  • cost - The cost to purchase or sell the defence from the Obelisk, measured in Runes, as well as the cost to upgrade it. Supports mathematical expressions.
  • max_level - The maximum level the defence can be upgraded to.
  • sounds - Here you can define sounds that will be displayed during events.
  • messages - These are death or healing messages. Placeholders: %player_name% - Player / %defender% - Defender (player or faction name). Healing types can use the placeholder %health_increase%. You can define multiple messages here and it will pick one at random.
  • attributes - The stats of the defence. Supports mathematical expressions.
  • placement - This allows you to configure how and where the defences should be placed.
  • holograms - This allows you to configure the holograms above the defence.
  • entities - You can customise what entities the defence can target, as well as blacklist / whitelist entities. See Managing Entities
  • experience_drops - How much exp, if any, drops when the defence kills a certain mob. See entities.
  • projectile - The type of projectile shot by the defence. For defences that do not use projectiles (springs and landmines), put NONE. See Configuring Projectiles for valid projectile values.
  • block - Change the block to any material. If you use PLAYER_HEAD you can also define the skull value.
  • item - Change the item when it's in a player's hotbar, same as above.
    • lore - Change the lore of the defence.
    • upgrade_lore - The lore seen when upgrading the defence.

Defence Types

  • HEALING - Heals the island owner or faction member.
  • ARROW - Shoots arrows at invaders.
  • SOUL - Applies wither effect on invaders, and when upgraded can apply slowness to them as well.
  • FLAMETHROWER - Applies flame effect to invaders.
  • POTION - Launches potions at invaders.
  • SPRING - Launches invaders in the air (strategic placement could launch an invader off the island.)
  • LANDMINE - Upon invader trigger, blows up.


For non-linear upgrade costs, you can use mathematical expressions in your config files. An example of a linear upgrade cost is 4 + level. However, you may want to make it so upgrading defences becomes more expensive over time, and/or has diminishing returns on stats. In this case, you can use mathematical expressions to define the upgrade costs for defences. SkyFactionsReborn uses exp4j to evaluate mathematical expressions. You can define these expressions in cost.ammo_cost and attributes. Example:

  RANGE: "log10(2 + level) / 10"

In the above example, the range is evaluated by a logarithmic expression with the level of the defence as a variable.