Commands & Permissions
This is a general overview of the commands and permissions present in this plugin.
Admin Commands & Permissions
Command | Description | Permission |
/sf reload | Reload the configuration files | skyfactions.reload |
/sf create <player/faction> <player> <factionName> | Force create an island. Specify whether you're creating a player island or faction island, then use another argument for the player name, and faction name if applicable. | skyfactions.admin.create |
/sf delete <player/faction> <player name / faction name> | Force deletes an island. Specify whether you're deleting a player island or faction island, then use another argument for the player / faction name. | skyfactions.admin.delete |
Player Commands & Permissions
These commands/permissions are provided to all players by default unless specifically specified. To remove a permission, simply add it to your permissions manager with the value false
Command | Description | Permission |
/island create | Create a player island | skyfactions.island.create |
/island help | Help on how to use /island related commands. | |
/island delete | Delete an island | skyfactions.island.delete |
/island visit <player name> | If you have trust, visit another player's island | skyfactions.island.visit |
/island trust <player name> | Trust another player to visit your island | |
/island untrust <player name> | Remove your trust of another player to visit your island. | skyfactions.island.untrust |
/island teleport | Teleport to your island (default 5 second warmup) | skyfactions.island.teleport |
/raid start | Initiate a raid on a random player's island | |
/raid help | Get help on raid-related commands. | |
/link | Link your Discord Account to your Minecraft account to receive raid notifications when offline. | |
/unlink | Remove your link to your Discord Account. | skyfactions.command.unlink |
/hub | Teleport back to the hub world | skyfactions.command.hub |
/faction create <name> | Create a faction, which also creates a faction island | skyfactions.faction.create |
/faction requestjoin <name> | Request to join another Faction. | skyfactions.faction.requestjoin |
/faction invite <name> | Invite another player to a Faction. | skyfactions.faction.invite |
/faction help | Help on how to use /faction related commands. | |
/faction delete <name> | Delete a faction, requires you to be the faction owner | skyfactions.faction.delete |
/island delete confirm | Confirms deletion of a player or faction island | No permission |
/faction rename <name> | Rename your faction. Duplicated and blacklisted names depend on configuration | skyfactions.faction.rename |
/faction vault <name> | Opens your faction vault | skyfactions.vault.other (required to open another faction's vault) |
/faction withdraw <amount> | Withdraw from your faction's balance | skyfactions.faction.withdraw |
/faction deposit <amount> | Deposit money into your faction's balance | skyfactions.faction.deposit |
/faction bal | Check your faction's balance | skyfactions.faction.bal |
/faction points | Check your faction's points | skyfactions.faction.points |
/faction promote <member> | Promote a member of your faction | skyfactions.faction.promote |
/faction demote <member> | Demote a member of your faction | skyfactions.faction.demote |
/faction <ally|truce|enemy> <name> | Declare your relationship with another faction | skyfactions.faction.relationship |
/faction top | View the top factions on your server according to their power level | No permission |
/faction broadcast <message> | Send a message to all online players. | skyfactions.faction.broadcast |
/faction channel | Switch to your faction's chat channel | |
/faction chat <message> | Send a message to your faction's channel without changing your chat channel | |
/faction fly | Fly, if on your faction island | |
/faction raid | Initiate a raid on another faction's island. You must be the faction owner / admin. | |
/faction kick <member> | Kick a member from your faction, provided that you have the necessary permissions. | skyfactions.faction.kick |
/faction kick <member> | Ban a member from your faction, provided that you have the necessary permissions. | skyfactions.faction.ban |
/faction setowner <member> | Make another member the owner of your faction. This will announce it to all members of your faction | skyfactions.faction.setowner |
/faction info <name> | Shows information about another faction | |
/gems balance | Get your gems balance. | skyfactions.gems.balanace |
/gems pay <name> <count> | Give another player some of your gems. | |
/gems help | Get help on gem-related commands. | |
General Permissions
These are just a list of permissions that are not tied to commands.
Permission | Description |
skyfactions.cooldown.bypass | Gives people permission to bypass command cooldowns. You should only give this to trusted individuals or during testing. |