TerraByteDev Wiki

Managing Entities

Short overview of the defences entities configuration.

Each defence allows you to configure which entities can be targeted by the defence.
See the below instructions on how to configure this aspect of defences.

Global Config

The global configuration for all defences is located in /plugins/SkyFactionsReborn/defences.yml.
It allows you to configure several aspects of the defences.

# This is the global configuration for all defences.
# This will apply to all defences (unless they override it in per-defence configs), combined with the per-defence config.
  # Global configuration for entities.
    # You can edit what entities are deemed as "passive".
      - "ALLAY"
      - "ARMADILLO"
      - "AXOLOTL"
      - "BEE"
      - "CAMEL" # Shortened for conciseness
    # You can edit what entities are deemed as "hostile".
      - "BAT"
      - "BLAZE"
      - "BOGGED" # Shortened for conciseness
    # What entities should be blocked?
    # See https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
    # There is no need to include entity types such as arrows!
    # Read https://docs.terrabytedev.com/skyfactions/mechanics/defences/managing_entities.html for more detail into integrations
    entity-list: [ "" ]

The global section will apply on top of the per-defence configs (found in each lang folder), unless override-global-config is enabled.
To blacklist certain entities, you must add the entity into a new line (see https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html).


SkyFactions hooks into multiple plugins to allow integrations into the features they provide.
See Integrations for more info.

Example Per-Defence Config

# This allows you to configure what entities will be targeted by the defence.
  # This stops the global entities config in defences.yml from being applied (additionally) to the below configs.
  # See https://docs.terrabytedev.com/skyfactions/mechanics/defences/managing_entities.html#global-config
  override-global-config: false
  # The below booleans for hostile and passive mobs only apply if you are not overriding the global config (above).
  # Lets the defence target hostile entities (e.g. zombies)
  allow-hostile-targeting: true
  # Lets the player toggle hostile entity targeting.
  allow-toggle-hostile-targeting: true
  # Target hostile entities by default when first placed down.
  target-hostile-on-default: true
  # Lets the defence target passive entities (e.g. cows)
  allow-passive-targeting: true
  # Lets the player toggle passive entity targeting.
  allow-toggle-passive-targeting: true
  # Target passive entities by default when first placed down.
  target-passive-on-default: false
  # Allows the defence to attack players (who are raiding you only!)
  allow-attack-players: true
  # Whether the ENTITY_LIST is a whitelist of entities that can be targeted.
  # This does not override the global defence entity config, or the above booleans.
  whitelist: false
  # What entities should be blacklisted or whitelisted?
  # See https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
  # Read https://docs.terrabytedev.com/skyfactions/mechanics/defences/managing_entities.html for more detail into integrations
  entity-list: [ ]

The entities section is very detailed and allows extensive customisation. To blacklist / whitelist certain entities, you must add the entity into a new line (see https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html).

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