TerraByteDev Wiki


A detailed guide concerning SkyFaction's NPC integrations.

SkyFactions hooks into multiple NPC Plugins to allow for per-island NPCs. This plugin hooks into:

  • ZNPCsPlus
  • FancyNPCs

We will not be supporting Citizens for the forseeable future, due to its limitations.
Furthermore, Citizens has a reputation for being laggy, whereas ZNPCsPlus and FancyNPCs are packet based, causing far less lag.


Don't see the NPC plugin you have? Join our Discord and ask for an integration!

Configuring NPC Integrations

This is the default NPCs section in the config.yml file.

# SkyFactions can hook into numerous NPC plugins to add support
# for per-island NPCs, such as Jerry from Hypixel SkyBlock.
# You can configure the system for this here.
  # Whether the NPC system should be enabled or not.
  # If you disable this after previously having it enabled, YOU MUST RUN /sf disablenpcs
  enabled: false
  # If you have updated the skin of the NPC, or any other attribute you must
  # run /sf updatenpcs.
  # Specify which NPC plugin (factory) to use.
  # Possible factories: "znpcpsplus" / "fancynpcs"
  # Specifing an invalid factory or a factory that is not installed will
  # cause the plugin to disable.
  factory: "znpcsplus"
  # Customise the entity of the NPC.
  # See https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.21.1/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html for a list
  # of valid entity types.
    # Entity type for player islands.
    player-islands: "PLAYER"
    # Entity type for faction islands.
    faction-islands: "PLAYER"
  # Configure the names of the NPC.
  # Unfortunately these cannot be configure in individual language files due to limitations. (Global Only).
    # NPC name for player islands,
    # You can use the placeholder "%player_name%" to display the name of the player.
    # This placeholder does not apply for faction island NPC names!
    player-islands: "<blue>Sky Master"
    # NPC Name for faction islands.
    # You can use the placeholder "%faction_name%" to display the name of the faction instead.
    faction-islands: "<blue>Sky Master"
  # Allows you to configure the skin of the NPCs for island and faction islands
  # Skin Format:
  # "url:skin_url_here" - Specify a URL to a skin texture: ZNPCsPlus and FancyNPCs only.
  # "player:name_of_player_here" - Specify the name of a player who's skim you want to display.
  # "texture:texture_data_here" - Provide the texture data of the skin manually.
  # None - no player skin, will go to the default of whatever factory provider plugin you use.
    # Skin of the NPC on player islands.
    # You can use the placeholder "%player_name%" for it to be the skin of the island's owner.
    # The above placeholder does not work on the Faction Island NPC skins!
    player-islands: "player:%player_name%"
    # Skin of the NPC on faction islands.
    # You can use the "%faction_owner%" placeholder to display the skim of the faction's owner.
    faction-islands: "player:%faction_owner"
  # This allows you to configure the offsets of where the NPC
  # will spawn, relative to the center of the island.
    # How far from the center of player islands should the NPC be spawned?
    player-islands: [ 2, 0, 2 ] # [x, y, z]
    # How far from the center of faction islands should the NPC be spawned?
    faction-islands: [ 2, 0, 2 ] # [x, y, z]

The comments explain the functionality of each config.
Want more configuration? Ask in our Discord.


The actions configuration allows you to configure what the plugin will do when the NPCs are interacted with. See the below table for the possible actions.


All the actions support PlaceholderAPI parsing, color parsing.
You can additionally use the placholder %player_name% to fetch the name of the player who interacted with the NPC.

[console] %command%Run a command as the console. Do not include a / at the start!
[player] <command>Run a command as the played who interacted with the NPC.
[message] <message>Send a message to the player who interacted with the NPC.
[givepermission] <permission.node>Give the player a permission node. Requires Vault to function.
[removepermission] <permission.node>]Remove a permission from player. Requires Vault to function.

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