TerraByteDev Wiki


Guide through GUIs and its configuration.

GUIs are frequently used in this plugin to offer an appealing interface for players to use.
Examples of these are Island Creation, Raiding and the Obelisk.

We offer extensive customization over the appearance of these GUIs.


Different types of GUIs have different placeholders for certain items
Make sure to always read the comments in every file while editing!

Example GUI Config

The below config is the Island Creation confirmation GUI.

config-version: 1
# Title of the GUI (Inventory)
title: "<gray>Create Island"
# Sound when GUI is opened.
open-sound: "ui.button.click"
open-pitch: 1 # Pitch of the sound.
# This allows you to customise the shape of the GUI.
# You can only have a maximum of 54 slots (9 x 6).
# Each character represents an item / slot.
# '.' represents an empty slot.
# Any other characters are shown below under ITEMS
# Each character corresponds to an item.
# This GUI is for when players run /island create.
  - "# # # # # # # # #"
  - "# . . . p . . . #"
  - "# . y . . . n . #"
  - "# # # # # # # # #"
  # Confirm island creation
    char: "y" # This is the character to use in the LAYOUT!
    material: "LIME_TERRACOTTA"
    skull: "" # You can set custom skull textures (e.g. from minecraft-heads.com). 'material' MUST BE SET TO 'PLAYER_HEAD'. Placeholders: <player_skull> - Skull texture of the player.
    text: "<green><bold>Confirm" # Supported placeholders: <player_name> - Player's Name
    sound: "ui.button.click" # Sound played when the item is clicked. Set to 'none' to disable.
    pitch: 1 # Pitch of the sound. Does not apply if 'sound' is 'none.'.
      - "<yellow>Click to create an island!"
  # 'Prompt' to create a new island.
    char: "p"
    material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
    skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQyZWJjNTA1ZGFjMGYxYjA5NjViNmYzZTQ2MGQ0MTkwZjM3NGVkZDY2NjNiMWE0ZDUwYWJjNDQ4MGI2OTE4OCJ9fX0="
    text: "<yellow>Create a new island?"
    sound: "none"
    pitch: 0
      - "<green><italic>Do you wish to create a new island?"
  # Cancel island creation.
    char: "n"
    material: "RED_TERRACOTTA"
    skull: ""
    text: "<red><bold>Cancel"
    sound: "block.note_block.bass"
    pitch: 4
      - "<yellow>Click to cancel island creation."
  # Border of the GUI.
    char: "#"
    skull: ""
    text: " " # No text
    sound: "none"
    pitch: 1
    lore: "" # Empty lore

GUI "Layout"

You can customise how large the GUI is and what items are in each slot.

# This allows you to customise the shape of the GUI.
# You can only have a maximum of 54 slots (9 x 6).
# Each character represents an item / slot.
# '.' represents an empty slot.
# Any other characters are shown below under ITEMS
# Each character corresponds to an item.
# This GUI is for when players run /island create.
  - "# # # # # # # # #"
  - "# . . . p . . . #"
  - "# . y . . . n . #"
  - "# # # # # # # # #"

Each "entry" / line is a new row in the GUI.
There can only be a maximum of 54 slots in the inventory, in the form of 6 rows of 9 slots.
You cannot have rows of different lengths.

Each letter corresponds to a new item.

# Border of the GUI.
  char: "#"
  skull: ""
  text: " " # No text
  sound: "none"
  pitch: 1
  lore: "" # Empty lore

The char variable corresponds to the character in the layout variable (See items for more information). If you specify a character that does not have a mapped item, it will be an empty slot. (In this case we use .)

GUI Items

Each item in the GUI is defined in the items section.
These all vary for each GUI.

  # Confirm island creation
    char: "y" # This is the character to use in the LAYOUT!
    material: "LIME_TERRACOTTA"
    skull: "" # You can set custom skull textures (e.g. from minecraft-heads.com). 'material' MUST BE SET TO 'PLAYER_HEAD'. Placeholders: <player_skull> - Skull texture of the player.
    text: "<green><bold>Confirm" # Supported placeholders: <player_name> - Player's Name
    sound: "ui.button.click" # Sound played when the item is clicked. Set to 'none' to disable.
    pitch: 1 # Pitch of the sound. Does not apply if 'sound' is 'none.'.
      - "<yellow>Click to create an island!"
  # 'Prompt' to create a new island.
    char: "p"
    material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
    skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQyZWJjNTA1ZGFjMGYxYjA5NjViNmYzZTQ2MGQ0MTkwZjM3NGVkZDY2NjNiMWE0ZDUwYWJjNDQ4MGI2OTE4OCJ9fX0="
    text: "<yellow>Create a new island?"
    sound: "none"
    pitch: 0
      - "<green><italic>Do you wish to create a new island?"
  # Cancel island creation.
    char: "n"
    material: "RED_TERRACOTTA"
    skull: ""
    text: "<red><bold>Cancel"
    sound: "block.note_block.bass"
    pitch: 4
      - "<yellow>Click to cancel island creation."
  # Border of the GUI.
    char: "#"
    skull: ""
    text: " " # No text
    sound: "none"
    pitch: 1
    lore: "" # Empty lore

Each aspect of the item can be customised, including the material, text, sound and lore.\

char - The character in the layout variable that this item corresponds to.

material - The material of the item. It must be a valid material, according to the Material Enum.

skull - You can set custom skull textures, assuming the material is PLAYER_HEAD. You should paste the skin texture value (Base64). See Custom Skulls for more information.

text - You can modify the display name of the item. This supports the MiniMessage Format and (PlaceholderAPI) placeholders.

sound - This allows you to trigger a sound when the item is clicked. This supports both custom sound identifiers, and the built in sound effects.

pitch - This is the pitch of the sound variable, if configured.

lore - This is the lore of the item. Each new entry for the variable is a new line of lore. Like the text variable, it supports the MiniMessage format.

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